Monday, December 22, 2008

Obama More Popular Than Jesus (And Better Looking, Too)

OK, I realize that Obama's rocket to superstardom may have given him an inflated sense of himself, but this is getting just a little toooo ridiculous.

The Politico is reporting that President-elect Obama's aides are planning to release a report this week absolving Rahm Emanuel of any wrongdoing in the recent imBlaglio (I've copyrighted that) involving Obama's vacant Senate seat. The article also says that Obama held off on releasing the report at the request of federal prosecutors. Nothing like waiting until all of the facts are in and indictments are dry before absolving anyone of sins, is there?

Obama's aides are also reporting that Obama is planning on making the blind see and the lame walk on his way up the inaugural parade route on January 20th as a sign of his compassionate mercy.

Pride comes before the fall...


Anonymous said...

"Obama is planning on making the... lame walk on his way up the inaugural parade route...

I don't think so... they are all Democrats receiving disability checks.

Goldwater's Ghost said...

When has that ever stopped them before?


Anonymous said...

I don't think you understood Prelsnet's point. If the Dems on disability are healed (the lame), they will have to get jobs.

Goldwater's Ghost said...

No, I understood it perfectly. You must live outside of Philadelphia, or never have experienced disability and/or welfare cheats. There is a cottage industry of exposing welfare and disability cheats here in Philly - those who are perfectly able to work, but feign disability or hardship. I was drawing a parallel between the two.