Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Blago Ups The Ante

The circus extended its stay in Chicago yesterday as embattled Gov. Rod Blagojevich defiantly snubbed his own Democrat party and named former Illinois Attorney General Roland Burris to the vacated Senate seat of President-elect Barack Obama.

Through his appointment, Blagojevich appears to be daring US Senate Democrats to make good on their pledge not to seat any candidate the governor named. And with the appointment of an African American, Blagojevich all but ensured the efforts to remove Burris or prevent him from serving would be tinged along racial lines. Check and mate.

Blagojevich's moves also signal that he does not intend to go down without a fight, much to the chagrin of Barack Obama I'm sure. And despite President-elect Obama's attempts to widen the distance between them, the fact remains that the president-elect and Blagojevich are close; Obama even active in Blagojevich’s campaign bid for Governor. This is another in a line of examples of Obama’s penchant for forging relationships of convenience rather than character.

Why do I get the feeling that Obama has more of these types of skeletons waiting in the closet?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In the end Blago knows that any jury he faces will contain at least a few African-Americans.

His cynical Sharptonesque move serves to define the Democratic party.