Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My New Favorite Blog

Sorry CW, you’re so 2008. Yuval Levin over at National Review recommended a new blog created by Keith Hennessey. Hennessey was an economic advisor to President George W. Bush, and ran the President’s National Economic Council in 2008.

Hennessey fills the knowledge gap of current economic issues and policy decisions with incredible detail from a firsthand perspective. Be forewarned - his posts are not the snarky mind candy you find on this site. His narrative is purposely long but it is worth the read.

If you have a couple of hours to kill this morning, pour a cup of coffee (or two) and enjoy.


The Conservative Wahoo said...


Goldwater's Ghost said...

What can I say, I'm easily distracted. Your blog is still aces in my book, though...