Saturday, April 4, 2009

Feet Of Clay, Tongue Of Pitchfork

Financial disclosure forms released by the White House yesterday (yesterday!) indicate that Lawrence Summers, one of President Obama's top economic advisers was paid approximately $5.2 million by the hedge fund D.E. Shaw in 2008.

What's all this again about "my administration is the only thing between you and the pitchforks"?


Mudge said...

I love that the CEOs are trying to return money to the treasury saying "we don't need it anymore", to which Dr. O replies, "yes you need to keep it longer, you aren't hooked on it yet and I need you to be hooked on it to realize my master plan" (perhaps I have taken some license here).

I have never been so concerned about the state of this country nor the intentions of its elected leaders. I just hope "the American people" about whom politicians so patronizingly speak, are smart enough to undue the damage in coming elections...starting in Congress.

Goldwater's Ghost said...

Maybe the banks we'll use the TARP funds they're not allowed to return to buy up toxic (er, sorry) legacy assets under the new Geithner public/private partnership. Talk about a shell game!


Goldwater's Ghost said...

Sorry, that's "will use" the TARP funds...