Monday, February 16, 2009

“Truth” and Consequences

Not content with controlling all three branches of federal government, some democrats on the Hill are now turning their sights on criminal prosecution of former President George W. Bush for alleged constitutional transgressions during his term in office.

Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy, Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, is calling for a “truth and reconciliation” commission to investigate possible abuses of power by the former president and members of his cabinet. Senator Leahy said that in addition to investigating the events surrounding the firing of nine US attorneys, the proposed commission will also seek to look into Bush’s warrantless wiretap program and interrogation techniques employed in the former president’s War on Terror – techniques which include waterboarding and extraordinary rendition.

For his part, President Obama has been reluctant to sign on to Leahy’s witch hunt, preferring to “get it right moving forward” – much to the chagrin of the salivating moonbats within the democrat party who smell blood in the water after the republican pasting in November.

Why the reluctance? For one thing, it may have something to do with the power of Executive Privilege, a tool the new President may find he will need to invoke over the next few years. For another, some of the very same counter espionage techniques Bush’s critics deplore, Obama has signaled that his administration plans to retain. How hypocritical might that look four to eight years from now?

1 comment:

Doc Milnamo said...

“truth and reconciliation” commission.

Why am I frightened and why are there still folks out there who think speech code as in the first paragraph is a right-wing thing?
