Sunday, February 1, 2009

Czech Please…

After reading Vaclav Klaus’ comments over at the National Review Online yesterday, I’m giving serious consideration to moving to the Czech Republic (or at least retiring there). Its current President, Vaclav Klaus, sounds a heck of a lot more reasonable on climate change policy than the wackos in Washington.

“I don’t think there is any global warming,” said Klaus to reporters assembled at the recent confab in Davos, “I don’t see any statistical data for that.” Now, before you Gorebots go and dismiss Klaus as an uninformed rube, please at least consider that Klaus is a professional economist and statistician. He’s also an author on the subject – Blue Planet in Green Shackles: What is Endangered, Climate or Freedom?

Klaus doesn’t hide his disdain for Al Gore or the latter’s reliance on the UN’s IPCC, either. On Gore: “Environmentalism and the global warming alarmism is challenging our freedom. Al Gore is an important person in this movement.”

Read more on Klaus over at Jay Nordlinger’s Davos Journal over at NRO.


Anonymous said...

Please don't move Double G, because someday when you die, you'll be referred to as a "cancelled Czech".

Thump, thump, is this mike on...

Goldwater's Ghost said...

If you weren't the only one responding to my posts, I would have banned you a long time ago.


Doc Milnamo said...

I was wondering when someone else would finally pick up on the fact that this guy makes sense.

Doc Milnamo said...

And since we're on the subject of climate, I see an opportunity to crowbar something in here. The following statement is tongue-in-cheek, but there is something there:

There are over a million folks in Kentucky and other parts of the midwest still without power after almost a week due to ice-storms and other weather related disasters. Where's the outrage from the MSM and the community over the response to this disaster? You know, the same outrage which exhibited by the MSM and the community after another weather related incident recently in New Orleans. Oh, never mind.