Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Pot Activists To Boycott Kelloggs

Now this is one call to action that should last till about...oh…their tenth or eleventh bong hit. The Marijuana Policy Project is calling upon its members to boycott Kelloggs products to protest the cereal manufacturer’s decision to drop sponsorship of Michael Phelps, after the swimming star was recently photographed smoking pot.

I can see it now:

“Dude, step away from the Frosted Flakes!”
“But dude, I’m baked and I’m starving!”
“Dude, one word – Michael Phelps”
“Yeah, that’s just what I was about to say.”


Anonymous said...

Something tells me Kelloggs was not going to renew the contract anyway. It's been some time since the Olympics and I'm sure they'd like to save the cash. This was their easy way of saying non-renewal for you.

Goldwater's Ghost said...

Could be - Phelps doesn't strike me as an inspiring pitchman anyway.


Mudge said...

Don't make too much light of this. Have you ever seen a pothead eat? I'll bet if this boycott takes off, Kelloggs will see a massive hit in their 2:00 am sales sector. BTW, loved the "dude" exchange.

Goldwater's Ghost said...

Mudge, I wouldn't worry too much - when those hunger pangs come calling, they'll lose whatever activism they thought they had.