Friday, February 13, 2009

Gregg Out At Commerce

New Hampshire Senator Judd Gregg was taken to an undisclosed Washington, DC hospital last night for observation when, after a cursory self examination, the Senator discovered what appeared to be two fleshy lumps in the area descending from his lower abdomen. Tests later concluded that the lumps were indeed the testicles that Gregg had been missing for several weeks.

Ok, perhaps that was unfair.

While I admire the Senator for his courage in walking away from a position he felt compromised his principles, it was a position in which he set himself in in the first place.


Mudge said...

When Gregg accepted President Obama's offer he was either:
(1) not paying attention to the President's speeches and actions
(2) extraordinarily naive to think he could change President Obama's basic platform as a mere Secretary of Commerce, or
(3) strategizing to make a grandstanding exit wherein he could highlight his lofty principles.
None of them are at all flattering. I hope he can come up with a better one than these.

Goldwater's Ghost said...

Thanks for stopping by Mudge!! Please come back again!

I think I'm inclined to agree on your second scenario - when the president calls, you answer the call, even if he is the opposition. But I think the removal of the census duties from Commerce was the straw that broke the camel's back.


Anonymous said...

Will Obama's "civilian national security force" (Nationale Zivilsicherheitskraft in the original German)be the ones to conduct the census?

The Conservative Wahoo said... least I tell my readers when I'm going to leave them hanging for a few days......hmph.