Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Somewhere, Gerald Ford Is Laughing

I’m not one of these partisan hacks (at least I don’t think I am) who needs to document every slip of President Obama to prove he’s every bit as human as George W. Bush is, or that there is a concerted effort in the media to cover up these incidents or gloss over them completely - but this is just damn funny:

I attached this clip in response to an email I received the other day from a left-leaning friend of the family. The email contained a video montage of Bush’s greatest goofs, with the subject line “was this guy really our president for eight years?”.

Well, add this to clip to the recent footage of The One fumbling for the door of the White House and you’ve got yourself the beginnings of an Obama Greatest Hits package of your own, and he’s barely three weeks into the job.


Anonymous said...

Don't think it is that funny. Plenty of other goofs he has already made that are funnier. And don't get me started on Biden....."is this guy really our vice president?".

Goldwater's Ghost said...

Anon - to each his own. I thought the build up of the President confidently striding up to Marine One only to clunk his noggin on the doorway was funny.

I note his other gaffes, as do you - but that really wasn't my point. When Bush does it, it's high comedy; when Obama does it, it's pettiness on the part of the Right.

Yes, Biden is a perpetual goof machine but we're not talking about him - yet.

Mudge said...

GG - Great point...as usual. I shudder to think what a collection of my own greatest hits would look like, drawn from near continuous, multi-camera, multi-angle coverage of 4 years of my own life. And I have no doubt that when you know you are being continuously examined through such lenses, you screw up even more. And I can guarantee you that all these great critics of such gaffes with Ford, Reagan, Bush and Bush would die if they had to hold up under such scrutiny. I agree that it is not all that funny and I would go further to say that I don't even think it is worthy of mention, EXCEPT to point out to those who made such hay with it under the aforementioned administrations, that it happens to all Presidents, being human beings and such. This is really more a lampoon of them than the subject of the video. Now, he IS going to have to work to match Bush II's verbal gaffes, but I have heard The One actually say "exspecially" on more than one occasion. This man's oratory skills and, I suspect, his vocabulary, put mine to shame. So for me to critique a point such as this is akin to all those rap artists and Hollywood elite calling Bush stupid. I'd put him against Hollywood's finest (an oxymoron if ever there was one).