Sunday, February 8, 2009

Liberal Pornography

Check out what is passing for soft core porn in liberal circles nowadays – showering with President Obama. While admittedly, I do have a sort of schoolboy crush on Barbara Bush (W’s daughter you numbskulls!), I can’t honestly say I’ve ever entertained the thoughts detailed in Warner’s piece. Well, OK, maybe making Barbara a sandwich, but that’s it. Really.


The Conservative Wahoo said...

Just another non-ideological journalist who will be sure to provide unbiased reporting. Move along.

Anonymous said...

I too, have an Obama fantasy but it's Michelle who is the subject of my lusty mind wanderings.

In one of my fantasies, Michelle is the director of human resources and I'm there for a "job interview".

In the other, she's a customer service agent at the department of motor vehicles and I'm there to "register my vehicle".

Goldwater's Ghost said...

Anon - your readership is certainly appreciated as is your input, but you need to keep your racially tinged comments in check; I won't tolerate it.