Saturday, January 31, 2009

RNC Headed By The Man Of Steele

After several ballots, former Maryland Lt. Governor Mike Steele emerged yesterday as the new Chairman of the Republican National Committee. In addition to his stint as Lt. Governor, Steele has headed the Maryland Republican Party, and currently serves as chairman of GOPAC, an organization that grooms prospective Republican candidates.

What I know of Steele I’ve seen only by way of his appearances on the network talk shows. And what I’ve seen, I like. But I’ll let the CW and other Maryland political wonks offer more insight into his credentials.

Cynics will no doubt look upon Steele’s selection as political pandering by the GOP toward minorities. Steele is black, as is former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell, who challenged Steele for the GOP chairmanship as well.

I say the cynics are right – and it’s a good move. From Steele to Condoleeza Rice, Alberto Gonzales and even Colin Powell, the Republican Party has quietly and consistently sought to expand its base to appeal to women and minorities. But where the GOP differs from Democrats – they do it with little fanfare. Hopefully, continued outreach efforts by the party will infuse it with younger, dynamic personalities and innovative ideas that will marginalize the race card so overplayed by the left.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pandering, schmandering.

Steele just looks so damn good. And his name... it just inspires confidence.

I'll support a Steele/Romney (or Romney/Steele) ticket just on looks alone.