Wednesday, January 14, 2009

RIP Patrick McGoohan

Actor Patrick McGoohan, who starred in the 60's cult favorites "Secret Agent Man/Danger Man" and "The Prisoner", has died.

More recently, McGoohan appeared as King Edward Longshanks in Mel Gibson's Braveheart, and had one of that movie's more memorable lines: "The trouble with Scotland is...that it's full of Scots!"

The Prisoner is a television program way ahead of its time. I read somewhere that you can view all 17 or so episodes of the program online for free - check it out if you have the time sometime.

UPDATE: Boy, what a sad day in Hollywood - actor Ricardo Khaaaaaaaaaaan!!! Montalban also expired this morning. He was 88. He is perhaps best known for his role as Mr. Roarke on television's Fantasy Island, which ran from 1978-1984.

But to me, he'll always be Khan Noonien Singh, Captain Kirk's nemisis on Star Trek. He reprised the role in the movie Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, which is considered by trekkies as the best of the series.

"From Hell's heart I stab at thee!!" - only Star Trek could mix Melville and hot green aliens in mini skirts.


Doc Milnamo said...

One of his best lines as Number 6 in The Prisoner especially the third sentence: "I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own. I resign."

Goldwater's Ghost said...



Doc Milnamo said...

I like a lot the next sentence in Melville's quote that the Khan character uttered, "For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee" Great stuff.