Wednesday, January 14, 2009

How Will Doonesbury Depict Obama?

I was thinking about this on my way into work this morning. As far back as I can recollect, Doonesbury cartoonist Gary Trudeau has used icons to depict at least three of the most recent presidents:

- An asterisk and a battered Roman helmet for George W.;
- A waffle for Bill Clinton; and,
- A flag/or “point of light” for George H.W. Bush (I thought it was a feather, but I verified this on the Doonesbury website)

How will Trudeau “draw” Obama? According to, Trudeau may not even be planning on using an icon for Obama – so not as to incur the Wrath of the One, I can only assume. Or perhaps Trudeau knows it's a zero sum game; that however he depicts Obama will be labeled as a racist caricature when the press eventually turns.

As for me, I’d like to see some sort of messianic corona, or an air sock to signify that his positions seem to change with the prevailing winds.

What do you think?

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