Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Obama Pledges To Become Conservative

Yes I know, wishful thinking; but it certainly looks nice. Yesterday, Obama pledged that he and his economic team would pour over the federal budget looking for ways to trim unnecessary spending. And as in all of Obama’s public statements to date, we need to mind the fine print: unnecessary spending. Good luck with that one…

As I’ve said before, it is critical that the feds temper any increase in spending with offsetting cuts. They need to reassure financial markets both here and abroad that any surge in government spending to stimulate the economy is temporary, and fiscal responsibility will return once the crisis abates.

Yes, I don’t believe I wrote that last line either.


Mudge said...

My sister, who voted for Obama asked me if she thought Obama could really change Washington. I thought about it briefly and replied "no, he will help Washington entrench itself more deeply against the next change agent". I told her "no" based solely on Obama's campaign platform of raising more taxes for the Federal Government. After several years of mid level involvement with interagency spending and budgets, I remain convinced that the only way to change Washington is to take away its credit card and make it live within its means. Giving it more money is the least effective way of bringing change to our nation's capitol. If Obama can come off that pre-election stance of taking more of the people's money to give to a bloated and wasteful government infrastructure, then he will have my enthusiastic support.

Goldwater's Ghost said...

Mudge - I think a lot of voters felt like your sister; and some, if not many will ultimately come away disillusioned when the "Change" doesn't materialize.

Obama is a product of the times, a slick marketing campaign and his own driving ambitions - those who helped elect him should have done their homework. They would have discovered that there was a lot more of the Chicago political machine less a man of ideas.

I'm curious, how much "Change" did your sister want?