Saturday, November 29, 2008

A Bond For The Ages

A short movie review before embarking on our trip back North - Mrs. Goldwater and I took in the new James Bond movie, Quantum of Solace yesterday afternoon on our final day of our stay in North Carolina. I’m a passive fan of the James Bond series, but I have to say I found this newest incarnation one of the best (at least in my memory). Not much on plot (which works, actually), thin on gadgetry with some intense action scenes, Solace is raw Bond in an era of fractured international relations. Daniel Craig makes a great Bond – he wears pain well.

A few random notes:

  • Ford Motor Company products are prominently displayed throughout the movie, and I noticed some interesting looking car designs – why do we get stuck with the Taurus and Focus while Europe and South American markets gets the cooler looking models?
  • Without giving any of the plot away, listen for the girl-like screams of the Bond villain during the climatic hand-to-hand combat scene
  • As I mentioned, Craig is a great Bond – possibly the best. I love the fact that Bond kicks ass, but gets the crap kicked out of him as well. And where Roger Moore looked neat and pressed following a fight scene, Craig takes the blood and scars with him
  • Bond’s female accomplice (can’t call her love interest, really) is smoking. She looks like a young Catherine Zeta Jones


Doc Milnamo said...

You are so right with respect to Ford giving us crap and the EU the neat stuff. In the 2010 model year that will all change, if FoMoCo is around.

Goldwater's Ghost said...


I want a Mustang hard top convertible. This must be done; make it so.


Doc Milnamo said...

I'll see what I can do. It was good seeing you and the family this week. I look forward to the next visit.

Goldwater's Ghost said...

Same here. Already talking about plans for a return in Summer 2009...


Anonymous said...

Also saw The Bond Identity this weekend and was quite annoyed during the fight scenes when Matt Dam...

I mean Daniel Craig of course. The short, choppy editing so popular with the MTV generation really screws up a good fight scene.

The new Bond not only takes the blood and scars with him, but he took the jacket of the guy he killed in Haiti.

Goldwater's Ghost said...

Admittedly, the choppy editing is mildly annoying, but only for the first 10 minutes or so...

Anonymous said...

Would we consider CZ Jones old, now, would we???

Goldwater's Ghost said...

Anon - a valid point, I chose my words poorly. Guilt by association for marrying that old fossil I guess.

But compared to this hottie, she does look a little long in the tooth.