Saturday, March 28, 2009

Saturday Morning Blogroll

What others from around the blogosphere were saying this week...


Crooked Timber: The Totalitarian Temptation and all that...
Brad DeLong: J.M. Keynes comments on the current crisis...
Ezra Klein: Don't trust the regulators...
Firedoglake: Reaction to President Obama's Af-Pak speech...
Huffington Post: Reid: Justice Roberts lied to us...


Argghhh!: The new White House Afstan/Pakistan policy...
Back Talk: The enigma of US opinion on the death penalty as a deterrent...
Michael Barone: Obama's Cap-and-Trade will meet stiff resistance...
The Elephant Bar: Obama and Geithner worry the Czechs and the EU...
Counterterrorism Blog: Pakistan will be key factor in Af-Pak strategy...


The Conservative Wahoo said...

I think my keyboard would burst into flames if I visited some of the sites on the left you look to for balance. Good on ya.

Goldwater's Ghost said...

This is harder than it looks. I don't mean to paint with a broad brush, but it's difficult to find a left of center blog that 1) does't immediately resort to f*bombs and, 2) quickly devolve into partisan namecalling.

To be fair, many right of center blogs do as well, many more don't. If there are any lefty lurkers, please provide me with some suggested blogs.