Friday, March 20, 2009

…Or Like A White Man Dancing

President Barack Obama yukked it up with Jay Leno last evening, but one bon mot in particular from his appearance may be giving Press Secretary Gibbs fits this morning.

As Jake Tapper reports, the gaffe happened toward the end of President Obama’s appearance, as he talked about his infamous bowling prowess and how he’s improved with practice on the White House lanes. Obama said he bowled a 129, to which Leno replied sarcastically, “that’s very good, Mr. President.”

“It’s like a Special Olympics moment,” the President shot back.

Yes Mr. President, it is precisely like a Special Olympics moment – except for the fact that the participants in that event have IQs of 40 and many of them are unable to tie their shoes.

Wasn’t his election supposed to be a breath of fresh air, that his intelligence and elocution would transcend politics and even race? We’re sixty days into this presidency, and President Obama already has enough material for an “Obamansims” calendar.

He's a pretty funny guy.


Anonymous said...

Do we know that Obama's IQ is NOT 40? Unlike Bush, Clinton, et. al. he has never released his transcripts. Wouldn't want him exposed for the hustler that he truly is.

Beyond Bibb's Store said...


Our six year old daughter has Down Syndrome. See here

Goldwater's Ghost said...


As do friends of ours. Your blog expresses the hypocrisy behind his appearance and subsequent comment better than my sarcasm.
