Saturday, March 21, 2009

Saturday Morning Blogroll

What others around the blogosphere were saying this week…


crooksandliars - reactions to President Obama's performance on the Tonight Show...
firedoglake - Treasury attempts to "blame Dodd" for AIG bonuses...
Huffinington Post - Edgar Bronfman on realism and leverage for engaging Iran...
Americablog - John Aravosis on "exploding" mortgages...
FiveThirtyEight - Unintended consequences with bonus tax legislation...


Rightwing Nuthouse - a case for the defense of the Administration's handling of the AIG affair...
American Thinker - more global warming alarmist child abuse?...
TigerHawk - Iran responds to President Obama...
Powerline - Are we a banana republic?...
ScrappleFace - Union demands fair wages for Obama's Garden Kids...